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- The Art Institute of Global
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목록미술 속의 좋은 글들 (37)
The Art Institute of Global
한국 건축 문화 대상
국가문화유산 포털-3D프린팅 http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=chagov&logNo=221438591829
Excel Auto shape Art Contest 엑셀 오토 셰이프 아트 콘테스트 http://cafe.daum.net/lockedfish/2NeL/3384?q=Excel%20Auto%20shape%20Art%20Contest https://pixel77.com/artist-week-amazing-excel-spreadsheet-art/
About the Artist Joseph Mallord William Turner b. 1775 London, d. 1851 London painter; draftsman British Joseph Mallord William Turner's father, a barber and wigmaker, recognized his son's artistic talents early, asserting that "my son is going to be a painter." Before enrolling in the Royal Academy, Turner gained some drawing experience in the offices several of London's leading architects. He ..
18th-Century Art for the 21st-Century Classroom –3 Teachers create their own objects inspired by 18th-century French furniture. Collage inspired by an 18th-century table, and the love of a dog named Otis, created by a participant in the Art and Language Arts alumni event. As an art student, developing this activity was also meaningful for my own practice and my connection with the Museum. My pai..
18th-Century Art for the 21st-Century Classroom -2 Teachers look closely at the forms, functions, and design motifs of decorative art objects at the Art & Language Arts alumni event at the Getty Center on August 11, 2012. Based on our conversations in the gallery, I then asked teachers to pick a piece of furniture that struck them visually and to “appropriate” it into a contemporary object that ..
18th-Century Art for the 21st-Century Classroom -1 Students are often lectured at, asked to receive information and not question what is being said. As a college student, I’ve experienced this first-hand. This summer, I got to explore more creative approaches to learning as part of the team planning the annual alumni event for teacher graduates of the Museum Education Department’s one-year profe..
Metzker's Photographic Journey Ray K. Metzker (born 1931) is known for finely crafted black-and-white prints that probe photography's expressive potential through multiple and composite images, high contrast, and selective focus.Metzker's work is part of a revered tradition that emerged from the experimental approach of Chicago's Institute of Design (ID), where he received his graduate degree in..
AAS 상하이 아트페어 공모 2012-08-28~2012-09-14 8th AAC(Affordable Art China-SURGE Shanghai)공모안내 일시 : 2012.10.20~21 장소 : River South Artcenter, Shanghai http://riversouthsh.com/ 대상 : 제한없음 접수마감 : 2012. 9.14 참가대상 발표 : 개별통보(한국작품 15점 내외 선발예정) 작품대상 : 평면작품 출품가능 작품수 : 3점이하 작품 사이즈 : 30호 이하 작품가격 : 300만원이하 참가비/운송비 : 무료 작품판매시 : 작가 70%/YAP 30% 제출자료 : AAS참가신청서, 작품 이미지 JPG파일 *참가신청서(다운로드, 파일이름 : 홍길동.docx) 자료 제출 : younga..
어떤 작품도 예술가 자신의 삶만큼 중요하지 않다. -프란시스 쉐퍼- 책임-시인은 삶의 정수만을 뽑아 자신의 작품에 넣는다. 그 때문에 시인의 작품은 아름다우나 그의 삶은 지독하다 -레오 톨스토이- 현실-예술가들은 작품에 대해 걱정하는 것보다 더 많은 시간 동안 돈 걱정을 하며 지낸다. 적어도 나는 그렇다. 돈은 예술적인 문제다. 살아가기 위한 돈, 예술적 자유를 살 수 있는 돈, 창조력을 발휘할 시간을 살 수 있는 돈. -프랭키 쉐퍼- 현실세계에서 일한다는 것 공동작업을 모색하라-의뢰인과 함께 작업을 창조해 가는 것은 혼자서 분투하는 것보다 훨씬 만족스런 결과를 가져다준다. 미켈란젤로도 시스틴성단의 작업을 마지못해 받아들였다. 기꺼이 타협하라-예술적 고결함을 너무 소중하게 간직하지 마라. 고급예술에 도달..