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- a computer program
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- The Art Institute of Global
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- solo exhibition
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- computer program
- The artwork
- 2025
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목록문화 예술 (211)
The Art Institute of Global
18th-Century Art for the 21st-Century Classroom -2 Teachers look closely at the forms, functions, and design motifs of decorative art objects at the Art & Language Arts alumni event at the Getty Center on August 11, 2012. Based on our conversations in the gallery, I then asked teachers to pick a piece of furniture that struck them visually and to “appropriate” it into a contemporary object that ..
18th-Century Art for the 21st-Century Classroom -1 Students are often lectured at, asked to receive information and not question what is being said. As a college student, I’ve experienced this first-hand. This summer, I got to explore more creative approaches to learning as part of the team planning the annual alumni event for teacher graduates of the Museum Education Department’s one-year profe..
Five Tips for Sketching at the Museum Did you know that visitors to the Getty Museum are allowed—in fact, encouraged—to draw from the artworks in the galleries and on the grounds? Whether drawing to express yourself, to discover rich patterns or details in art, or to create lasting memories of being with an object or view, drawing trains the hand, eye, and mind—all while relaxing you! Whether yo..
Metzker's Photographic Journey Ray K. Metzker (born 1931) is known for finely crafted black-and-white prints that probe photography's expressive potential through multiple and composite images, high contrast, and selective focus.Metzker's work is part of a revered tradition that emerged from the experimental approach of Chicago's Institute of Design (ID), where he received his graduate degree in..
Whitechapel Open Tours Whitechapel Open Tours are free workshops for groups, offering those with little experience of visiting a gallery an interactive introduction to art. The tours are led this season by artist Daniel Wallis and include activities which are shaped around the interests and needs of your group. Tours from 12th October to 30th December will focus on work by Mel Bochner. The lates..
The fourth edition of The London Art Book Fair at the Whitechapel Gallery H Hatje Cantz Hato Press Hayward Publishing I Iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts) J John Hansard Gallery K KALEID Editions L la silueta Lars Müller Laurence King Publishing Lubok Verlag M MA Art, Design, and the Book, Colchester Marcus Campbell Art Books Marguerite Waknine Mark Pawson/Disinfotainment The MIT Pre..
The London Art Book Fair The fourth edition of The London Art Book Fair at the Whitechapel Gallery will take place from the 21–23 September 2012. The Fair opens on Thursday 20 September with a special late night opening from 6–9pm. 21–23 September 11am–6pm Admission free A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A ABC Artists' Books Cooperative Abrams & Chronicle Books Altazimuth Press..
AAS 상하이 아트페어 공모 2012-08-28~2012-09-14 8th AAC(Affordable Art China-SURGE Shanghai)공모안내 일시 : 2012.10.20~21 장소 : River South Artcenter, Shanghai http://riversouthsh.com/ 대상 : 제한없음 접수마감 : 2012. 9.14 참가대상 발표 : 개별통보(한국작품 15점 내외 선발예정) 작품대상 : 평면작품 출품가능 작품수 : 3점이하 작품 사이즈 : 30호 이하 작품가격 : 300만원이하 참가비/운송비 : 무료 작품판매시 : 작가 70%/YAP 30% 제출자료 : AAS참가신청서, 작품 이미지 JPG파일 *참가신청서(다운로드, 파일이름 : 홍길동.docx) 자료 제출 : younga..
해나정 Hannah. Chung -1 2004 홍익대학교 조소과, 회화과 졸업(복수전공) 2012 백석대학교 기독전문대학원 기독교미술학과 졸업 contact_ email: hanna1017@hanmail.net /mobile: 010-2370-3412 개인전3회 2010 가나아트스페이스, 서울 2010 프랑스문화원, 부산 2008 보나갤러리, 원주 단체전 2010 제주-강원미술협회교류전 (태백문화예술회관, 태백) 2010 강원미술협회전(강릉문화예술회관, 강릉) 2010 원주미술협회전(치악예술관, 원주) 2009 악어꿈-아름다운 거리를 꿈꾸다전(아코자갤러리, 원주) 2009 강원기독미술협회전 (춘천미술관, 춘천) 2009 제주-강원미술협회교류전 (제주문예회관, 제주) 2009 믹스맨 믹스미디어전 (아코자갤..
2012안성세계민속축전 안성세계민속축전조직위원회(집행위원장 황은성 시장)는 ‘2012 안성세계민속축전을 개최한다. 세계인의 문화올림픽인 2012안성세계민속축전은 해외 및 국내 공연단의 다양한 공연을 통해 각국의 문화예술을 접할 수 있으며, 체험 및 부대행사 등 다양한 문화 예술적 경험을 하실 수 있습니다. 민속 올림픽 게임이라고도 불리우는 World Folkloriada는 CIOFF가 매 4년마다 개최하는 국제 민속축전입니다. 1996년 네덜란드에서 첫 대회가 열렸고 2000년 일본, 2004년 헝가리에서 개최되었고 2009년도에는 중국에서 개최될 예정이었으나 지진으로 인하여 취소되었으며. 2012년도에는 경기도 안성시에서 개최됩니다. 기간 : 2012. 10. 1 ~ 10. 14 장소 : 주행사장 (안..