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The Art Institute of Global
Zekiye SARIKARTAL (foto-enstalasyon)
Ankara University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and Literature, 1980.
BFA, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting,1993.
MFA (Printmaking), Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of Fine Arts, 1995.
Higher Diploma in Arts, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture, 2000.
Zekiye Sarıkartal and Evren Erlevent, “Angellesness,” Artist pages, Performance
Research, 9: 3 “Generations” (Autumn), 2004.
2006 “After Effects,” 22-27 February, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of
Architectural Design and Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts, Studio A.
2005 “Me, the Angel,” “Angellessness,” 18 March, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Opening exhibition for the symposium “Visual Arts in the Curriculum of a School of Design”).
1998 “...Lived Happily Ever After,” 13-30 April, Emlak Sanat Galerisi, Ankara, Turkey.
2006 “Yalancının Resmi,” Kocaeli Kocaeli Municipality Theatre, Author: Memet
Baydur, Director: Çetin Sarıkartal
2006 “Honeymoon,” ‘Woman and Tradition,’ UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the
Balkan Countries, ‘The Third Festival of Women Creators of the Two Seas: The
Mediterranean and the Black Sea’, 28 August - 4 September, Thessaloniki, Greece
2005 “Sırra Kadem,” ‘Sır ve Zaman’ Türkiye ve Kore’den Sanat, 14-31 Ekim, Çankaya
Belediyesi Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi, Ankara, Türkiye.
2005 “Eve,” This is For You-50 Artists 50 Works, 26 March-22 April, İstanbul Modern
Arts Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey.
2004 “Simurg,” “Me, the Angel”, “Amazons,” 4th International Conference on Design and
Emotions, Four Artists on Emotional Experiences, METU, Cultural and Convention Center, 12-14 July, Ankara, Turkey.
2004 “Now, the Sun is Going to Rise on the Horizon,” Exhibition 003, Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture Exhibition Hall, 8-18 June, Ankara, Turkey.
2003 “Me, the Angel,” Azerbaijan State Museum, The Association for Creative Initiatives, 3-6 November, Baku, Azerbaijan
2003 “Would You Mary Me?”, “Me the Angel,” “Intro-jection/Pro-jection,” “Burga In Ambush,” “The Amazon,” ‘B4’, National Center for Contemporary Arts, 3-13 July, Moscow, Russia.
2003 “Overflight Permission,” ‘Exhibition 0002’, Goethe Institut Inter Nationes, 9-18 June, Ankara, Turkey.
2003 “Amazons,” ‘6 Mythologies’, Gallery Keşif, 3-22 May, Ankara, Turkey.
2003 “Burga in Ambush,” ‘Museum of Curiosity’, SFINKS Foundation, 16-31 January, Sopot, Polland.
2002 “In Our Hearts! II, III,” ‘Exhibition 0001’ , Goethe Institut Inter Nationes, 12-21 June, Ankara, Turkey.
2002 “Amazons,” "Me, The angel," ‘Encounter’, Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Academy of Fine Arts, 20-27 October, Muenster, Germany.
2002 “Me, The Angel,” Sanart, ‘Art and Social Engagement’, METU, Cultural and Convention Center, 1-3 May, Ankara, Turkey.
2002 “The Pillow Talk,” Wings of Time: The Association for Creative Initiatives, Exhibition ‘Orientalism: Inside&Outside’, 27-30 April, Baku, Azerbaijan
2002 “Eve,” “Apple Tree,” “Burga in Ambush,” “Intro-jection/Pro-jection,” ‘ZAN’, Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture Exhibition Hall, 1-11 April, Ankara, Turkey.
2002 “In Our Hearts-II,” ‘Exhibition 2thousand2’, UPSD Ankara Division, Çankaya Belediyesi Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi, 1-15 March, Ankara, Turkey.
2001 “Measure Ten Times, Cut Once,” ‘Intersection’, Eylül Sanat Galerisi, Ankara Ticaret Odası, 31 October - 18 November, Ankara, Turkey.
2001 “For You, Together With You,” TRT Exhibition of Painting and Ceramics, 23 April-30 May, Ankara, Istanbul, İzmir, Turkey.
2000 “Intro-jection/Pro-jection,” “The Pillow Talk,” UNESCO Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, ‘The Second Festival of Women Creators of the Two Seas: The Mediterranean and the Black Sea’, 22-27 September, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2000 “In Our Hearts!”, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts 5-6 September, İzmir, Turkey.
1999 “Mother-of-Pearl,” “Burga in Ambush,” “Compulsory Figures,” IInd International Sharjah Biennial, 13-22 April, Sharjah, U.A.E.
1999 METU Festival of Art, 5-11 April, Ankara, Turkey.
1999 “Would you marry me?”, Galeri Sera, 9 March –5 April, Ankara, Turkey.
1998 “Whatever Will Be Will Be,” Young Art in Ankara-I, 27 October-14 November, Karum, Ankara, Turkey.
1997 “The Most Brilliant Ones,” METU Campus, Ankara, Turkey.
1997 “Place in this World, Faith in the Other,” Installation and Performance, together with Çetin Sarıkartal, Sanart International Symposium of ‘Art and Environment’, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
1997 “Fingerprint,” Exhibition ‘Prophecy’, Bilkent University Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Exhibition Hall, Ankara, Turkey.
1996 “Take Care of Yourself -II,” Habitat, Exhibition ‘The Other’, Antrepo, İstanbul, Turkey.
1995 “Butterfly,” for the memory of Paolo Vitali, Uriage, France.
1995 “Take Care of Yourself -I,” AKM, İstanbul, Turkey.
“Women Creators of the Two Seas: The Mediterrenean and the Black Sea,” UNESCO Centre
for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, Second Festival, Fine Arts Exhibition
Catalogue, Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece,
August 28-September 4, pp.70-1, 2006.
“Zekiye Sarıkartal” Sergi Kataloğu, Aristoteles Üniversitesi, Mimarlık, Tasarım ve Güzel
Sanatlar Fakültesi, 22-27 Şubat, 2006.
“Sır-Zaman,” Türkiye ve Kore’den Sanat, Sergi Kataloğu, 14-31 Ekim, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, s. 166-
167, 2005.
“Sergi-Exhibition 0003,” Exhibition Catalogue, 8-18 June, Bilkent University, Faculty of Art, Design
and Architecture Exhibition Hall, pp. 13-14, 2004.
“Sergi-Exhibition 0002,” Exhibition Catalogue, 9-21 June, Alman Kültür Merkezi, pp. 26-7, 2003.
“Encounter-Meeting,” Exhibition Catalogue, October, Bilkent University, pp. 8-21, 2002.
“Sergi-Exhibition 0001,” Exhibition Catalogue, 12-21 June, Alman Kültür Merkezi, pp. 44-7, 2002.
“Sergi 2bin2,” Exhibition Catalogue, 1-15 March, U.P.S.D. Ankara Division, pp.100-1, 2002.
“TRT Resim ve Seramik Yarışması,” Exhibition Catalogue, p.57, 2001.
“Women Creators of the Two Seas: The Mediterrenean and the Black Sea,” UNESCO Centre for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, Second Festival, Fine Arts Exhibition Catalogue, Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 23-27, pp.94-5, 2000.
“ODTÜ Plastik Sanatlar Festivali, Desen ve Eskiz Sergisi,” Exhibition Catalogue, 5-11 April, p. 54, 1999.
“Brad Duncan, Deborah Semel, Zekiye Sarıkartal,” Exhibition Catalogue, Galeri Sera, 11 March-5 April, pp. 2-3, 1999.
Cumhuriyetin 75. yılında Ankara’da Genç Sanat-1 “İç Dış Olasılıklar, Ortamlar,” Exhibition Catalogue, 01.09.1998, pp. 54-5, 1998.
“Zekiye Sarıkartal,” Exhibition Catalogue, Ankara Emlak Sanat Galerisi, 13-30 April, 1998.
“The Other,” Exhibition Catalogue, Unesco AIAP National Committee International Association of Arts, December, 1996.
Irina Garlova, “The State Modern Art Centre,” Pulse Moscow, 2003/16 (July):15, 2003.
Irina Kulig, “Vanguard,” Kommersant, 8 July: 14, 2003.
“Panopticum in SFINKS, Museum of Curiosity,” Gazete Wyborcza – Art, February, 2003.
Maciej Ulewicz, “Museum of Curiosity,” Aktivist, February, 2003.
H. Engin Giderer, “Ankara’da Plastik Sanatlar, ZAN: Zekiye Sarıkartal, Anna Krolikiewicz, Nina Kertselli Sergisi,” Edebiyat ve Eleştiri, May-June:122, 2002.
Anna Urbanczyk, “An Exhibition of Artist from Sopot in Ankara,” Gazeta Wyborcza, 28 March, 2002.
Jale Erzen, “Uluslararası Şarcah Bienali 12-28 Nisan 1999,” Arredamento Mimarlık, July-August:123-6, 1999.
“Üç Farklı Yorum Üç Farklı Soluk,” Radikal, 14 March: 18, 1999.
“Group Show at Gallery Sera,” Arts & Culture: A Weekly Supplement to Turkish Daily News, Sunday, 7 March:11, 1999.
Emre Zeytinoğlu, “Ankara’da ‘Genç Sanat - I’ Sergisi,” Arredamento Mimarlık, 1999/01 (January): 26-27, 1999.
“Ankara’da Genç Sanat - I,” Zaman, 6 December:1, 1998.
Deborah Semel, “Young Art in Ankara - I: Activating Turkey’s Artistic Potential,” Arts & Culture: A Weekly Supplement to Turkish Daily News, Sunday, 30 August: 11, 1998.
Sargun Tont, “Çevre Sanatından Haberdar Mısınız?” Gezi, I, 3 (December): 20-21, 1997.
Bilkent Artists in Muenster
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